With the advent of a new era, Godpod provides the latest belief system service in response to the Metaverse. It can be a modern extension of the same value, or an adaptation that opens up a new path. Whether it within a long history, a new rise, or its own pious consciousness, Godpod can be compatible and perpetuate or discover your hidden beliefs. Together we will write the new chapter of belif. And construct and project your own unique God-type in the digital code of the Metaverse. You don't have to worry about getting lost in the thousands of shapes, GodPod is like a deep exploration journey. Allows you to more consciously examine and connect with your inner beliefs
total supply
mint price
0.06 eth
( phase 1 )
roadmap 2.0
( phase 3 )
( phase 2 )
phase 1
Opened the homepage, Twitter
and discord community
3D art and design concept for NFT godpod. revealed
Whitelist Activate
phase 2
Godpod will launch an event that invites GOODY to illustrate their own god, in the end we will select members' artwork and create 5 gods.
phase 3
Minting godpod PFP NFTs
The god gallery will be open on the website
Members will get your godpod. PFP 3D file which provides unlimited commercial copyright use. This means you are going to have the right to print on any forms of goods, e.g. postcards, stickers, keychains or even amulet.
phase 4
The holders of godpod has a chance to get random airdrop which is animatied PFP with the mechanism.
phase 5
All godpod holders will create their customized religious system with godpod’s assistance.
Through a series of sharing, lectures and discussions, the participants will have their own religion.
phase 6
goddy and goddy-plus+ holders will have different utility in profit.
phase 7
Godpod will build a virtual space in the Metaverse for godpod holders to use.
Different holders will have different empowering utilities. When you mint godpod NFT, it also means that you will have unique digital collectables on the Ethereum blockchain. In addition, you will also enjoy spirituality-related courses and lecture services, and the chance to develop your own unique personal beliefs in Web 3.0.
In the future, we will also launch the virtual and physical goods of Godpod. Holders will have the opportunity to buy them at the best price. If it is 1/1 holder, it is more likely to get physical goods for free.
Goddy holders will benefit from the godpod unique mechanism, within the donation by the supporters, we will donate part of the donation to our mentor and mental health-related organization and for the rest of the donation, we will distribute to the goddy holders.
As for Plus+ holders, the team will use its good art design and 3D capabilities to develop business cooperation with other like-minded project parties. A certain percentage of the profits generated will go back to those who hold the plus+.
/ goddy
/ godpet
/ poddy
The pod contains infinite possibilities for a new chapter of faith.
You can optionally turn it on: get goddy
Or you can choose not to open it: used in the third stage as merged materials.
After revealing the poddy, you will be able to obtain a random, non-fungible, and unique Godpod.
/ plus +
After the first round of minting, the project team will take a snapshot of the holders at the designated time, and holders of two goddy gods will receive one godpet airdrop.
There are a total of 2,777 little mythical beasts, which will be released for public sale after deducting the number of airdrops.
After the first round of minting, the godpod team will take a snapshot of the holders at a designated time, and holders of three goddy gods "have a 20% chance" to get the goddy-plus+ motion version of the gods.
You can also choose: Combine a poddy pod with a godpet in the belief upgrade (combination) stage, and the result will generate a motion version of the goddy-plus+.
*This combination stage will burn a poddy and a godpet, but if your poddy is 1/1 of the goddy, it will remain. That is to say, once you merged, you have a chance to get: a goddy-plus+ minor god+ and a 1/1 goddy minor god*
godpod public sale
godpod revealed
godpod snapshot
godpet airdrop
godpet public sale